Tag: Leila

Sneak Peek

Having looped through revisions of the first few chapters of my (as yet untitled) new story, things seem to be flowing now. In the excerpt below, Leila, our protagonist, is in the car with her mother, Penny. Leila is about to embark on her… Continue Reading “Sneak Peek”


So.  March. We’ve made it around to another vernal equinox.  Weather-wise, we’re entering that season of chance – you just never know what you’re going to get from one day to the next. It is tempting to conclude, based on these last few days,… Continue Reading “March”

Maps and Calendars

I love a map in a book.    The intrigue! The anticipation!  The excitement it brings is not unlike the thrill I experienced with advent calendars as a kid: watching the story unfold as each paper door is opened; as each picture is revealed!